Treasure Hunt #9
Winner: Debbie Stanfield of Mililani, HI. Debbie was one of four contestants
to correctly answer the question.
Answers were due by midnight, July 3, 2001
Week 9's prize:
Win a 40 minute flight in an open-cockpit biplane. Stearman
Bi-plane Rides offers one of the the most unique flights available
anywhere. Retrace one of the attack routes followed by Japanese aircraft
on December 7, 1941. View Pearl Harbor from this unique perspective then
return for a soft landing at northern Oahu's Dillingham Airfield.
The plane is equipped with dual controls,
and if you wish some stick time along the way, the pilots are usually
Week 9's Question:
The three letter designator for the Maui VOR is OGG. How did these
particular three letters get chosen to represent Maui's navaid?
Answer: The navaid took the last three initials of the last name
of B.J. "Jimmy" Hogg. Jimmy Hogg was a young man when he became
a "mate" at Inter-Island Airways, predecessor of today's Hawaiian
Air. A mate was a jack-of-all-trades. He flew copilot on the S-38 Sikorskys,
helped with baggage on out-islands, and if the mechanics needed to change
an engine, he stayed after flying to assist.
Years later, when the federal government
installed electronic navigation aids in the islands, Jim Hogg assisted
in the effort at Maui. He was honored with having the navaid named after
him. Jim was asked if he wanted HOG or OGG to be the designation, and
he (thankfully) selected the latter. Jim Hogg retired from Hawaiian Air
as a DC-9 captain, thus participating in the airline's growth from S-38
Sikorskys to the jet age.
Select the correct answer and follow the rules
to submit your answer via email. Check out the prizes
link for a preview of future booty.