
Whether you fly regularly in Hawaii or
you're a visitor, you've come to the right place.
Be sure to check out the "Planning" section.
Two chapters of Flying Hawaii are reproduced here.
Links to other pertinent web sites are
contained throughout this site, especially in the Weather, FBOs, Wild
Side, and Misc. Links sections.
If you like what you see here, click on
"The Book" tab and explore the contents of Hawaii's only complete guide
to flying in the islands. You can even order online.
Explore this site and enjoy!
Peter Forman,
Barnstormer Books
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Jet Aerobatic Teams!
September 15,
US Air Force Thunderbirds
Waikiki Beach
13 & 14, 2007
US Navy Blue Angels
Kaneohe MCBH
Join us on a floatplane flight across Oahu
for a few touch and goes in Kaneohe Bay.
Check out our most recent "Photo of the
featuring a great shot of Kalaupapa Airport by Chris Arends
AOPA's Phil Boyer visted HNL on Jan12, 2006, for a Town Meeting with
local pilots. Check it out.

Take a virtual inter-island
flight with photographer Thomas Herter

Great Photos
Check out these photos from the Oct 9-10,
Blue Angels Airshow at Kaneohe MCAS

After 20 years in the making, the story of Hawaii's airlines is now available.
Learn about it here..
View our Archive Page where you can find past
articles and photos.