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Chip Rohrer- Glider Instructor

Like so many pilots of Hawaii, Chip Rohrer discovered the islands during military service and chose to makes this paradise his home. In 1972, two years after his arrival, Chip began soaring at Dillingham Field. Thus began a love affair with motorless flight which has lasted more than three decades.

Take a walk around the Honolulu Soaring operation at Dillingham on just about any day of the week and you're likely to run into Chip. He has over 8,000 glider hours and 18,000 flights under his belt, so he's no stranger to the field. Although glider rides and other activities compete for his attention, Chip prefers instructing. Students of his have gone on to military academies and all forms of professional flying. He's taken aloft princes, T.V. stars, and astronauts.

Each summer this gentleman volunteers his time with a Civil Air Patrol program aimed at giving young people a chance to solo a glider. Because of people like Chip, youngsters from all economic backgrounds can get a chance to experience the thrill of flight.

What makes Hawaii such a good place for teaching glider flying? Chip thinks that the dependable lift allows instructors to spend more time working on the basics, which in turn can produce better pilots.

You'll never make a fortune as a glider instructor. If you choose to measure success by the joy you share with others during your day, however, then glider instructors such as Chip Rohrer rate as some of the most successful people in this land.